Legal notice

General information

The owner of the website is Artesana de Clofent SA, with NIF A58216391 and address at Calle de Baix, 11, 08394 Sant Vicenç de Montalt. The company is registered in the Mercantile Register with the following registration details:

To ensure that the use of the website complies with the criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, Artesana de Clofent informs the user that any suggestions, doubts or queries regarding this Legal Notice or any other informative document on the website will be received and resolved by contacting Artesana de Clofent at the following email address:

 Intellectual Property Rights

All the contents displayed on this website, especially designs, texts, images, logos, icons, trade names, trademarks or any other information susceptible of industrial and/or commercial use are protected by copyright, and the reproduction, transmission or registration of the information is not permitted without the prior authorisation of the owner, Artesana de Clofent. However, the user may use the information provided to manage their order and the corresponding contact details.


Artesana de Clofent assumes no responsibility for links to other websites and web pages that may be included on the website, as it has no control over them, so the user accesses the content and conditions of use that govern them under their own responsibility.